Breanne DeMack Designs can be contacted through her website, or by phone at 661-251-8080. Call today for an appointment or to talk about your project!

Have you ever found yourself sitting at home, knowing you should be doing something but just not having the motivation? Here are a few tips that can help boost productivity when working from home!

  • Make a time line for the day: Plan out your day with your work in between all the other things you need to do (work, lunch, work, pick up the kids, work, dinner, etc)
  • Break your work into smaller projects that are easier to tackle than the entire project as a whole
  • If concentration is your issue, focus for a short amount of time, then take your mind off of work for a while, then go back for another short period

These are just a few ideas that can help when working from home. With these tips, you can learn to manage your time and get your work done!

Call Breanne DeMack Designs today to talk about your business and how it could be helped by a new logo or design from Breanne DeMack! Call today at 661-251-8080