Looking for instruction in Singing, , Instruments, Acting, Dance or Magic?

Vibe Performing Arts VibeSCV.com has it all! We’re at 24460 1/4 Lyons Ave., Santa Clarita– or call us at 661-255-7464.


Music is like a beautiful landscape. It can make you laugh, cry … or even get angry. It’s one of the most universal forms of communication we have – a communication of the soul.

If you, your child or a friend is looking to get involved in music, look no further. Vibe Performing Arts in Santa Clarita has what you’re seeking!

We have created for our students a warm, supportive environment as they grow to discover their full potential through creative expression. 

We  strive to build a positive influence in students’ lives, building self-esteem and confidence, regardless of their abilitie. And we will uphold honest values working to perform with integrity with attention to detail and consistency. We  endeavor to help all students to experience the excitement and dedication necessary to help them succeed in life as well as on stage.

 Vibe Performing Arts can put some musical excitement into your life! For more information, call us at 661-255-7464.