You can shade and darken. Create those lines witches are known for.  Smudge the lines or smooth them over to shado. You can even create a skull with Brow Bar To Go and the right brush. Unless you’re wearing a mask to the party, you’ll need to create a look by contouring your face. Brow Bar To Go is a great product for creating a scary or vampy look. This video by beauty vlogger, Carli Bybel gives great tips on how to use Brow Bar To Go for contouring for a glamorous look.

What do Hollywood’s favorite home teeth whitening company, Whitening Lightning and high-quality Cosmetic Company, Gerard Cosmetics have in common? Well, first, we’re sister companies. Gerard Cosmetics joined Whitening Lightning (2010) as a beauty industry leader in 2014.

The second thing we have in common is that we make a great pair during Halloween season. Here’s why:

Deep-set Eyes and Shadows

Crazy Hair Dos

Why not try something fun instead of wearing a wig as part of your costume this year? Use glitter or hair paint for color, and for that crazy, vampy, witchy look, use Blo&Go Hand-free Blowdrying tool. Long or short, tease out your hair under the dryer using BOTH HANDS to style! Bend over for volume. Get a hold of the stickiest, strongest hairspray you can find and hold your gnarly tresses in place.

Watch this video for a demo and then go to go to to BUY!

Vampire Lips

Gerard Cosmetics is known for our unique and lovely lip products. There are a few interesting colors to accent your Dress-up look. Color Your Smile Borneo is a deep pitch black color for Vampires and Monster-gals. But it’s also a fun look on days you just want something different. Check these colors out and grab a few for your nights out!

color your smile lip gloss

Teeth Whitening for Halloween?

Yes! There are a few reasons home teeth whitening by Dial A Smile or Zero Teeth Whitening are Halloween’s BEST Friend. you’ve gotta be wondering why, right?

Anyone who’s ever worn white grease paint (clowns, ghouls, actors) knows what it does to your teeth. The contrast of your teeth against the stark white color of greasepaint makes even white teeth look off-color. DON’T risk making things worse than they have to be by forgetting to whiten your teeth before you slather on the greasepaint. Unless you want your grill to look discolored and dingy, get ahold of Whitening Lightning N-O-W.

Visit our website for a special bonus. At the time of this writing, you can buy two products for $39! Hurry. Get in on this deal before it goes away.

And now I’m talking to the witches again …


Halloween is great fun for the kid in all of us. Gerard Cosmetics and Whitening Lightning take the fun and make it better.

Follow  Whitening Lightning on Facebook and Instagram!

Follow Gerard Cosmetics on Facebook and Instagram!

Whitening Lightning super booster and brow bar product imageZero White Teeth Whitening Systemsale-shop-now-sidebarsultry-sixBB Creme

Southern California innovator and CEO of Gerard Cosmetics, Jennifer Gerard, wheeled her home teeth whitening company, Whitening Lightning onto the home teeth whitening scene in 2010. Whitening Lightning became an international rage among celebrities, entertainers, and their fans. In 2014 sister company, Gerard Cosmetics took center stage worldwide. Beauty experts around the world are thrilled and impressed by the quality of these fine cosmetic products. Visit our website to watch a collection of demo videos.

Another reason to keep Dial A Smile and Zero Teeth Whitening on hand is for AFTER Halloween, when you remove the black wax used to create the illusion of missing teeth. The wax may come off pretty easily, BUT the color stays behind.

No worries! Whitening Lightning has you. After you get home from the Halloween party, remove the wax and brush away as much of the black residue as possible. Remember to whiten teeth at home before you go to bed. In just 20-minutes you’ll have great results. Keep using Dial A Smile or Zero Teeth Whitening and continue to benefit.