Southern California innovator and CEO of Gerard Cosmetics, Jennifer Gerard, wheeled her home teeth whitening company, Whitening Lightning onto the home teeth whitening scene in 2010. Whitening Lightning became an international rage among celebrities, entertainers, and their fans. In 2014 sister company, Gerard Cosmetics took center stage worldwide. Beauty experts around the world are thrilled and impressed by the quality of these fine cosmetic products. Visit our website to watch a collection of demo videos.

Even the things we eat and drink affect our skin and hair. There’s plenty of maintenance to be done if we are to survive the ravages of summer. The best way is to stay ahead of the season’s most threatening beauty problems. Depending on where you live, you might not have long for concern. Fall will be here soon. In the midwest, that means a whole new batch of challenges will be on their way. In California, well, we’ve got a few more months of hot drying weather before autumn arrives with reprieve.

While those who live in more humid parts of the world are blessed with sun-kissed skin, others who live in a dry climate, are not as lucky. So much for the dewy complexion. Between watersports and sunbathing, our skin suffers. If you think you’re safe at night, the heat given off from bonfires is also very drying. Our summer beauty concerns are 24/7.

Every season has its own beauty challenges, and summer comes with some of the worst! Here are a few indispensable summer beauty tips from Gerard Cosmetics.

Here’s a list of summer savages and also the solutions:

Sweat may seem like an enemy, however it is not–to our health anyway. Sweat allows our skin to release toxins from our bodies. It may be an enemy to beauty, especially when we clog our pores with a mixture of sunscreen and layers of bug spray. This will provide a nice sticky environment for dirt and grime. Kinda makes you feel like taking a shower right now, doesn’t it? Just wait until you finish the article!

Solution: Look for an exfoliating cleanser, one with glycolic acid if you can find it and gently cleanse on a daily basis. Be sure to apply SPF before you go outside as glycolic acid can cause sensitivity in the sunlight.

You might wear less, but you probably won’t go without makeup all summer. Drier climates bode well in summer heat, whereas humid climates might have your eyeliner melting into your blush before you leave the house. This is no exageration. If you live in a humid climate, you know exactly what we mean.

Solution: Gerard Cosmetics Slay All Day setting spray will help keep your face fresh and prevent melting.

Why are blackheads more common in the summer? Do pores get bigger when the temps rise? No. Pore size stays the same, however we’re usually more active outdoors in the warm weather months, which means it’s more likely that dirt and debris can work its way in, making our pores SEEM larger.

Solution: An exfoliating mask will help extract and purify clogged pores.

Those Pesky Patches!

Dry heat and chlorine and sunshine dehydrate your skin and can leave dry flaky patches. Scaley spots on the sides of nostrils, in the brows and on your forehead are common. This is not attractive!

Solution: If you see this, be sure to look for a moisturizer rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Grind up flax seed in your morning smoothie or sprinkle on your cereal.

Summer is here and we have a little way to go before we deal with issues common to cooler weather. Gerard Cosmetics wants you to look and feel your best. Visit our website to learn more about our luxurious products. Our lip products will treat your lips gently all year round.

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